Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's the Climb

"It ain't about how fast I get there, ain't about what's on the other side. It's the climb."     ~Miley Cyrus

With Eric's altitude-adjusted fitness leading the way, we spent the day hiking Pichincha, an active stratovolcano that overlooks Quito. For context, Roku -- the peak we climbed -- is at 15,413 ft, which is about a thousand feet higher than Mt. Elbert, the tallest peak in Colorado.

  • In 1822, General Sucre defeated the Spanish colonial forces on the southeast side of the volcano to help secure the independence of present-day Ecuador. 
  • In 1999, Pichincha erupted, covering the city of Quito with several inches of ash. 
  • In 2013, Dave and I exhausted ourselves trying to keep up with Eric and his superior hemoglobin counts.

Quito, as seen from the mountain.

Eric's frequent high-altitude treks has left him in killer shape -- as in, capable of almost killing Dave and I.

Can you see Dave and Eric?

Miley had it right -- it is the climb. But the top is pretty cool too.

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